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zaterdag 27 juli 2024

Supplementary Material Spitzen - van der Sluijs

Technical Appendix - Supplementary file

Spitzen-van der Sluijs A, Martel A, Asselberghs J, Bales EK, Beukema W, Bletz MC, et al. Expanding distribution of lethal amphibian fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Jul [date cited].

Expanding distribution of lethal amphibian fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe

Annemarieke Spitzen-van der Sluijs, An Martel, Johan Asselberghs, Emma K. Bales, Wouter Beukema, Molly C. Bletz, Lutz Dalbeck, Edo Goverse, Alexander Kerres, Thierry Kinet, Kai Kirst, Arnaud Laudelaut, Luis F. Marin da Fonte, Andreas Nöllert, Dagmar Ohlhoff, Joana Sabino-Pinto, Benedikt R. Schmidt, Jeroen Speybroeck, Frank Spikmans, Sebastian Steinfartz, Michael Veith, Miguel Vences, Norman Wagner, Frank Pasmans and Stefan Lötters

Information on monitoring efforts in the years 2000–2013 at site 4

Four species of newts (great crested newts (Triturus cristatus), smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris), palmate newts (L. helveticus) and Alpine newts (Ichthyosaura alpestris)) occur in natural populations at site 4 (Wormdal, The Netherlands). All newt populations have shown severe population declines over the period 2000–2013. A direct causal relationship between the presence of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans and the decrease of the newt populations at this site has not yet been demonstrated.

All newts at this site are monitored yearly according to the Dutch national standard (1). Population trend calculation was conducted following Spitzen-van der Sluijs A et al. (2), alpine newts and smooth newts have retrospective decreases of -96.6% and -87% in the period 2000–2013. The great crested newt population decreased by 96% as well, and the palmate newt population decreased by 94% (Figure 1).


M. de Zeeuw (CBS, the Netherlands)


  1. Groenveld A, Smit G, Goverse E. Handleiding voor het Monitoren van Amfibieën in Nederland. RAVON Werkgroep Monitoring, Amsterdam. 2011.
  2. Spitzen-van der Sluijs A, Spikmans F, Bosman W, De Zeeuw M, Van der Meij T, Goverse E, et al. Rapid enigmatic decline drives the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) to the edge of extinction in the Netherlands. Amphib-Reptil. 2013;34: 233–239.
Lissotriton helveticus   Triturus cristatus   Lissotriton vulgaris   Ichthyosaura alpestris
Year Computed Model Index   Year Computed Model Index   Year Computed Model Index   Year Computed Model Index
2000 1   2000 1   2000 1   2000 1
2001 0.2283   2001 1.6792   2001 0.2357   2001 0.3764
2002 0.1104   2002 2.8197   2002 0.1462   2002 0.1407
2003 0.1348   2003 8.5967   2003 0.227   2003 0.2143
2004 0.1646   2004 2.0418   2004 0.0843   2004 0.0473
2005 0.1951   2005 6.7271   2005 0.134   2005 0.1707
2006 0.1422   2006 2.4949   2006 0.2198   2006 0.164
2007 0.1036   2007 0.9253   2007 0.1889   2007 0.2093
2008 0.0755   2008 0.7088   2008 0.2529   2008 0.3165
2009 0.055   2009 0.5429   2009 0.1727   2009 0.102
2010 0.0401   2010 0.4159   2010 0.1717   2010 0.1909
2011 0.0292   2011 0.3185   2011 0.0613   2011 0.0181
2012 0.0213   2012 0.244   2012 0.0641   2012 0.474
2013 0.0155   2013 0.1869   2013 0.011   2013 0.0012



RAVON is een onafhankelijke kennisorganisatie die samen met vrijwilligers de inheemse reptielen, amfibieën en vissen beschermt. RAVON, FLORON en Paddenstoelenonderzoek Nederland zijn onderdeel van Stichting Natuur Onderzoek Nederland.

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