Apart from our own observations, our extensive data bank contains records from all over the country, from volunteers working on their own or as part of a regional working group. These are sent in via the internet sites www.telmee.nl and www.waarneming.nl which function as portal for the National Databank Flora and Fauna (NDFF). The NDFF offers insight in the exact location of protected and endangered species. At the moment it contains over 30 million observations that are supplemented on a daily basis by a team of 20,000 volunteers of the Private Data Managing Organistations (PGO) like RAVON, and other observers. Records are of course validated, but the standard of the volunteer task force is high.
Volunteers also help create public awareness of our target species groups by bringing both adults and children into contact with the animals. For example, building egg-laying heaps for the grass snake (Natrix helvetica) together, and maintaining them each year, also results in a growing enthusiasm for the species.
Also, in the evenings during the period of amphibian migration, animals are helped across the roads to reach their breeding waters; this patrolling also cuts down amphibian road casualties.
More information: www.padden.nu
The staff keep in touch with the volunteers for coordinating projects, for training and for personal contact.